Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Camping Trip

Well, it has been a few days since my last post but I have been busy and not had a chance to get on here. So, I need to update everyone on the camping trip. David and I left early on that Friday and went on down to get our stuff all setup before it got dark on us. I am glad we did do that because we had everything up and ready by dusk ready to light our fire and cook us up some good burgers once the rest of our party got there. My tent we had up within ten minutes, and David's wasn't to bad once we figured out how it went. Once we had all the tents setup we unloaded our stuff out of the back of David's jeep. Talking about full to the gill this jeep was just that. After the unloading of the stuff we sat our chairs up by the campfire and just relaxed until John and Jason arrived. Once they got there and Jason got his tent up we began to cook up some good burgers and hot dogs and just relax by the fire. After this we decided to get some card playing going on and so it was Texas Hold 'em time. Also this was John's time apparently to start what you might call a all nighter. He began to drink some vodka and red bull. Not just to sip around and have a good time he went at it like we were back in the days of our youth and we had no sense of what might happen if one was to drink a whole fifth of vodka in one night. Needless to say we did have a good time until about half of the fifth started taking its effect on poor old John. We did get up from the table a few times to stretch out legs and John would pour another drink and spill part of it on our card table and aggravate Dave. John got a little feisty with us trying to show us his a$$ a few times and I did warn him to quit doing this and he did not heed the warning. So with my fire poker that I was using now has become my brander for ol' John. He pulled his pants down and he met my poker. BAM! He kept complaining that his butt was hurting but he didn't pull his pants down again that night. Love you John!! The card playing pretty much ended. Once we finally got him to go lay down we sat by the fire and relaxed and the sky was sure starry that night. I went to bed about 1 and I will be dad gummed if I didn't have to get up at 4 and use the bathroom so I just stayed up and got the fire going again and then David got up to join me and we just chilled by the fire till the morning sun arose. When John finally did get up he, needless to say, wasn't feeling very well. So that was pretty much our camping trip in a nutshell...So stay tuned till next time....If I don't get back on before Thanksgiving I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving and may you all be safe on your journeys.....Tommy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall Camping

Well, here we are again in the fall time and all the leaves have almost all fallen off. I really enjoy this time of year because of the leaves changing and how beautiful it really is. There are many places around that you can get some amazing views just around right here in our neck of the woods. I took a buddy from work this past weekend to Bee Rock in our very own back yard. Needless to say it was beautiful once we finally got to it. You see it had been years since I had been there myself and I decided that the road was one that would eventually lead us on a journey, needless to say we were neither ready for. What I am trying to say is that I took us the wrong way. Once we got our amazing walk in and got to where we was aiming for it was all worth it, right David? Poor souls we were walking all that way for absolutely nothing was not a very good reward once we reached the summit of where we had climbed and come to the realization that this was absolutely the wrong road. Once again sorry Bro! This weekend some friends and I are going to go camping. Now I have went numerous times in the summer with the family but I must say I have never went at this time of the year. I am very excited about it. We are going to go down in Jackson County and camp near the Roaring River. Just will be nice to get away for a little bit, sit by the campfire,and shoot the breeze. I am ready for a small get a away most definitely. Well, I think this should suffice for now so stay tuned.....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Well Well Well

Here we are again and I know it has been a few days since my last blog but it has been a hectic few days. Well our football season has now come to an unexpected end because of a few idiots that apparently think that they can ruin things for our kids. We were suppose to get to play in a playoff game this coming weekend for 3rd and 4th place and now we are not. At the first of the season we were told that the top 4 teams in each age division, in which there are 4 different ones, would advance to the bowl games. I have been told by a couple different people that they have always done this format so let's just mess with the Monterey teams I guess is the solution. So now all of a sudden they say that everyone is going to get to play and all of our smaller teams had decided that they have had enough and wasn't going to play anymore, so the powers that be in this league decided that since they weren't going then our team should be punished. I am telling you I am mad as a old wet hornet, because our kids have worked their tail off this year and it is all for nothing. I am so glad to be done with this year because the officiating was horrible all year long and now I guess I can just wait on jr. high to get started next year. I do want to say that I am so proud of our little guys for their effort this year and I really think that they are going to turn out to be some fine young men. Well, this is my gripe day I guess so continue to stay tuned to see what's next in my crazy life......

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mi vida loca

Yeah my crazy life, that's right! Sometimes you wonder where it all begins. I have had a real good life thus far that is for sure. From my childhood days up until now I truly have been blessed beyond measure. I have been trying to lay a background, but other things have been coming up along the way that I feel I needed to share, and plus those things were what was on my mind so I felt like sharing, and so that's all I got to say about that. I have been trying to think of some childhood memories and I tell you that is harder than what one might think. There was one thing in particular from kindergarten I remember and it was a spanking that myself and a few others got because we were playing outside and we thought it would be funny to put some of the pea-gravel type rock in each other's pants. So imagine to our chagrin that the teachers didn't find it half as amusing as we did. So next thing we know they have us all bent over ready to receive our paddling, and we get our spanking we all take it like big boys. The thing I remember the most about this is that when we got our paddling they didn't give us time to clean out our pants so we got our paddling with rocks and all. Needless to say I tried really hard from then on to not getting anymore whippings, especially the ones that might require rocks in the seat of my pants. Nowadays, if that were done I almost guarantee that there would be a lawsuit and a teacher would lose their license. Oh yeah those were the good ol' days when if a teacher said something you know they meant it. Now they are not even allowed to really spank the kids and they wonder why kids act like a bunch of heathens that doesn't respect nothing or nobody. At least back when my generation was at school we for the most part were very respectful of our teachers and our parents. Well, that is all for now so stay tuned to see what's next time.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here we are again

Well, well, well here we go again. Another day another few pennies. Well, our football team on the jr. pro won on my birthday last night. The score was 8-0. It was a very good game but oh so sloppy and wet and all around miserable. I tell you it really gripes me to no end to put the kids out in this type of weather. I love football don't get me wrong but there is no way that we should have played in the game last night. It will be a thousand wonders if none of the kids get sick. With the win we are guaranteed a playoff spot after this week. So I am so proud of our team. It is almost over with about 2 more weeks total and this season is in the books. Then it is on to basketball and baseball to soon follow. It is a vicious cycle that we go through on a yearly basis to go through and I think that is one reason that time flies by so fast is because you are constantly on the run from one place to another. I think that is all I got for today so until next time stay tuned.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, my friends today is my birthday and it is hard to believe how fast time truly does go by. It does seem just like yesterday when me and my brother were playing in the yard jumping in some leaves that we had just raked up. Other times you remember as well when my cousins would come over in the summer and we would play wiffle ball all into the night and then some. It almost always ended in some kind of fight one way or the other, it just would depend on who was winning on who started the fight. Thinking back to those days it always seemed as kids we would always be outside playing, riding bikes, ball at some place or another. Mostly ball playing was all I can remember from the time I could think or even blink is what some people tell me. Yes I did grow up with a ball in my hand that is all I have ever known. Some are raised to hunt, fish, and even some are taught all of this, but unfortunately I was not. Sometimes I do look back to wonder if I had been taught all those different things what it would have been like. I did miss out on many of those type things but I did get to hear the kids talk about it at school. I never did envy them but I did often wonder what if...You see now my kids, especially my oldest absolutely loves to hunt and fish and to play sports so he is getting the raising the other kids got while I was in school. I think my youngest is going to be about like me he could care less if he goes or not, at least for right now anyways. I have tried in the last few years to go hunting but I must not have the right spot or something because I have no meat in the freezer if you know what I mean. Eventually I hope to get into it better than now but I run so much during ball seasons that I really don't have the time. Well, it has taken about all day to get this blog out, I have been farely busy today but everyone take care and so stay tuned to see what might happen next time....

Monday, October 26, 2009


Communism, a theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in world politics for much of the 20th century. As a political movement, communism sought to overthrow capitalism through a workers’ revolution and establish a system in which property is owned by the community as a whole rather than by individuals. In theory, communism would create a classless society of abundance and freedom, in which all people enjoy equal social and economic status. In practice, communist regimes have taken the form of coercive, authoritarian governments that cared little for the plight of the working class and sought above all else to preserve their own hold on power. Yes my friends it still does exist and believe it or not right here in the good old USA. Yeah I know that it may be hard to believe but it's true, it's true. Just for example your workplace. They pretty much tell you what to do and when to do it or else guess what that job will no longer be yours. If you are like me we have to hold on to said job because we have a family depending on our income to support our families, right? Well why it is ok to spend company money on other things that really the company doesn't need then would this not be part of communism? Let me know what you think about this. Enquiring minds would like to know. You can't do this on break or you can't do that on break. What in this world are we turning into? German's Hitler? I sure as heck hope not. Remember this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Guess what I also have the freedom of speech and that my friends they can't hardly do anything about. Why? You may be asking yourself the same thing. Does all this really still exist? Oh it's true, it's true....Stay tuned till next time.....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weekend is finally here

Well, it is what we all live for isn't it? The weekend that is. Yeah I am so glad that it is here that is for sure. I did manage to get alot of stuff done. I got the garage cleaned out with the help of Levi and I had to go through a bunch of boxes and still have quite a bit to do but I do fill I got things accomplished. The blog is short today because I got to get back to waching The Big Orange play. So sorry to say that is all for now folks... Stay tuned to see what might happen next...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here we go again

Well here we are again on a finally Friday day and it is raining again. Enough already, I can't believe how much rain we have had this year. I just wonder if that might mean that we are to have a bad winter. I guess we will just have to wait and see. The one thing that is really griping me today is I seen on the news the other day about the mexican drug cartels getting busted all over the U.S. There was like over 2000 lbs. of both meth and 2000 lbs cocaine confiscated and over 30 million dollars in cash. There was over 300 busted in these raids. That just amazes me that more than likely all of those that got busted were probably here illegal. I know that we live in the land of the free and all that kind of stuff but come on America get with the program. I love the U.S.A. so don't get me wrong but we need to tighten down our borders and get a hold of our nation again. Another thing that really is irritating is when you try and carry on a conversation with someone and they do not speak English. If I plan on going to another country and work and live there it is my responsibility to learn that nation's language. Well, I guess that is all on that subject for now. What else is out there that we might be able to talk about? Hmmm let's see. I have also been contemplating on whether or not to get the H1N1 vaccination. I have the regular flu shot but I don't know what it is about this one that I am so nervous about but I guess it wouldn't hurt anything, it is free so why not, right? I don't know what to do with myself this weekend I have no ball games tonight or tomorrow and that is highly unusual around my house so I guess it is going to be a cleaning house party around the house this weekend. My children are not very excited about this either, bless their hearts is all I can tell them. Well, that is it for now so stay tuned....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

Well here I go again I guess you may wonder of the name that I have chosen for this blog. Well, give me a few minutes of your time and I will try and explain some of this to you fine people. First, we may need to start with some basic definitions of these words. We have redneck first on the list and our great comedian of rednecks has a pretty good idea of what a redneck is and that is.... Southern comedian Jeff Foxworthy defines"redneck" as "a glorious absence of sophistication," stating "that we are all guilty of [it] at one time or another." That my friends just only scratches the surface of yours truly and for anyone that knows me that is so true. Next we move on to the jock definition an athlete and or macho man with macho attitudes. So there we have it folks a very unsophisticated guy that loves to play sports that is me right down to the letter. In all seriousness though I have really wanted to write a book about life and times of a redneck jock whether it be about me or some other joe that I could make up. So for right now we will just stay with this and see what happens. Because the Lord only knows that I really don't have the grammar with all the punctuations in just the right order or any kind of special training in order to write a book so we will just blog a little at a time and have a good time with it. That was really going to be my title for the book though I thought it was kind of catchy at the time and it has just hung around. I think I will try and talk about many different things on this blog and if anyone ever has any ideas feel free to express them and we will try and discuss them as we go. I am going to try and think back over some of my childhood days and see if I can recollect any sort of interesting thing to post from that. I doubt I can but I will try anyways...Well, stay tuned to see what we may have to say next....when I say we I really mean me.....

Do I really have to title these blogs anyway

Just wondering if there was a proper etiquette to actually have to title these blogs...I think it just depends on how I am feeling at the time if I want to title it or not....I will however try to. So here we are on a Thursday and I am definitely ready for the weekend. This week has been crazy at work with company here and everyone freaking out over it, but we have to do well I guess or my job could be in jeopardy. I am so thankful that I do have a job but sometimes it can be a pain in the tail. This has been a busy day already this morning running here and there but that will help this day to pass by quicker I think. In just a few days I will be having another birthday. You remember back in your youth when you couldn't wait for your birthday to get here, but now you could really care less because you see it as just another day. Boy, how time does fly by, if you remember in school you just couldn't wait to get out and when you do get out you wish you was right back in. I guess what I am trying to say is we need to enjoy all of our days and quit just wishing our life away because it will be here and gone before we know it. Well, I guess that's it for now...Stay tuned you never know when I will post again....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Not so many years ago I played loads of softball. I was literally playing almost every day of the week in some place or another. Whether it was playing local during the week and on the weekends we were usually traveling to somewhere in Tennessee playing in some sort of tourney. It was always a blast and we usually always had a good team. Now as I get older and just a little wiser I often wonder if I acted to outlandish back in the day to think I was disrespectful of the older players that we were competing against. I certainly don't think I did but hey who is to say? That is one thing I have always tried to to do is be very respectful and to have good sportsmanship. Even though many times when you play people that like to run that mouth you have to run it back just a little especially when you start pouring down a beating upon his tail end. Well, I think that is it for now but you never know when I am going to have the time to write some more, but hopefully I can start blogging a little every day, who knows?